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The House is charged with the passage of federal legislation, known as bills; those that are also passed by the Senate are sent to the president for signature or veto. Among the House's exclusive powers are initiating all revenue bills, impeaching federal officers, and electing the president if no candidate receives a majority of votes in the Electoral College.

I will gladly work with whoever is elected this cycle to move us towards sound money, justice, and liberty. We need to move on from the two party illusion/the uniparty that has gripped the country throughout the last century and we need to work together to restore our republic, to stand for the inherent rights of the individual and to let liberty ring for all. 


By electing me you would be sending Thomas Massie an ally in the House. I will be a voice for peace in the people's house and I will do everything I can to convince the legislative and executive branches that we can best lead by example by allowing our citizenry to prosper here at home. I can already see working on companion legislation in regards to a number of these issues with people in the United States Senate like like Angus King, Rand Paul, Mike Lee , and Cynthia Lummis.

Regardless of who is President or what party has a majority, I will stand for the maximum rights of the individual. This definitely includes but is in no way limited to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to blow the whistle.
“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.”

Thomas Sowell

We need to address inflation now. This means dramatically cutting spending. This means having real discussions about ending the Fed and allowing for sound money and competing currencies. This means moving away from tariffs that push up the price of goods and ending regulations that boost shipping costs. (Like The Jones Act). I can safely say that the last thing we need is a central bank digital currency.

Thomas Massie has introduced legislation to end the federal reserve in the House. Mike Lee has introduced companion legislation in the senate. The people of house district three have spoken loud and clear that they want inflation addressed immediately. Instead of playing games with the people we must end financial tyranny once and for all by ending the fed. 


We should lead on sound economics and allow the individual citizen maximum economic freedom and maximum financial mobility. People would be encouraged to spend wisely, save, and balance their books if they had sound money and representatives that did the same. Banks would be allowed to issue their own currency and compete freely in the market without a central bank. Instead of "too big to fail banks", citizens could bank with local banks that they trust, banks that invest back in their communities. 

A gold or other commodity-based or mixed commodity based currency would be allowed to compete freely and fairly. With the rise of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies, a competing system could be developed based on blockchain technology. These options would certainly provide greater transparency and efficiency in monetary transactions.  By passing end the fed legislation there would be room for innovation. A de facto decentralized banking system would have the opportunity to form.

"True prosperity can only come from a healthy economy and sound money. That can only be achieved in a free society."

Ron Paul



Iowans deserve the opportunity to grow nutritional foods and helpful medicines. We desperately need to stop interfering in the agricultural markets.  Interference in the agricultural markets helps a few at the expense of everyone else. I want to help make it easier for more and more farmers in Iowa to own and care for their own land. Growing nutritious food and helpful medicines as they see fit.  Practicing prairie restoration, regenerative agriculture, and tree planting where helpful.



I will work with other like-minded individuals in congress, like Thomas Massie, Chellie Pingree,  Angus King, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul, to provide maximum agricultural freedom for Iowans. I will work to help protect family farms and move way from eminent domain and government market distortions. 
"You cannot subsidize irresponsibility and expect people to become more responsible." Thomas Sowell

It must be acknowledged that the government, at the federal, state, and local levels, is the single greatest polluter in the land. Protecting the environment requires respect for individual rights and responsibilities regarding resources like land, water, air, and wildlife. Where damages can be proven and quantified in a court of law, restitution to the injured parties must be allowed.  Sovereign immunity should be abolished. Pollution of other people’s property is a violation of individual rights. Strict liability, not arbitrary government standards, should regulate pollution.  


It would also help if more and more people paid attention to what polluters are donating to what candidates. I pledge not to take any money from any agriculture companies, or other industries or entities, so as not to have any conflict when it comes to standing for justice for any harm. 

There are over 600 military sites that are superfund sites, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. A Superfund site is an area that has been contaminated by hazardous materials. We need to systematically rein in our military from around the planet and focus on cleaning up after ourselves. It is safe to say that things have spiraled out of control over the last century or so.  Major General Smedley Butler, as well as former Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, attempted to warn us about the expansion of our military–industrial complex. 

Instead of arming Israel and Ukraine, we should focus on protecting the US border and the inherent rights of Americans. Free movement of people and property across our borders can and should coexist with the ability to protect our citizens from harm. I am hearing from those in the 3rd district loud and clear that they want us to focus on protecting our own border and to stand for our citizens inherent rights.  I am open to working with Republican leadership saying that we need to temporarily seal our border, so long as we can cooperate on the path to a functioning immigration system that efficiently allows us to separate those seeking to become Americans from those with intentions of doing harm to others. We also need to look at the root cause of migrations and stop participating in them. We must lead by example here at home towards economic prosperity and stop participating in violence in other countries. Be it sending weapons, or economic hits, or any form of interference in other countries' electoral processes. 

My uncle was a medic in the Vietnam War and my father served in the Peace Corps under JFK. The best way we can serve our Veterans is to stop making more of them. I will serve the citizenry with honor and duty and  continue to help us justly and peacefully reclaim our house and our republic. I encourage all Iowans to join me in working with our state legislators to pass Defend the Guard Legislation. The Constitution vests the power to declare war exclusively in Congress.  The Defend the Guard Act is state-level legislation to prohibit the overseas deployment of a state’s National Guard units without a congressional declaration of war.

I will continue to tirelessly work to allow veterans, and everyone else, the freedom to utilize helpful medicines like cannabis, mdma, and psilocybin should they find them to improve their quality of life and their ability to pursue happiness.


The 4th Amendment

The 4th amendment is crystal clear— if the government wants to spy on the American people, it needs to get a warrant. I have been and will continue to be a voice for pardoning people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Ross Ulbricht, and Dexter Taylor.


We need to have a functioning system of justice. We should not be going after patriotic and honorable citizens for victimless crimes. We need to refocus on threats to our life and liberty and to our inherent rights and leave everyone else alone.

The 10th Amendment 
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


The opioid epidemic is  complex but it must be acted upon immediately by addressing root causes of drug use; allowing addicts access to treatment and harm reduction strategies; and by reducing the supply of illicit opioids entering the United States. To do the latter successfully we first have to understand what is actually happening. 

Most of the fentanyl coming into the U.S. is trafficked into the country through official land border crossings. Approximately 90 percent of fentanyl trafficking offenders here are U.S. citizens.  The continued criminalization of nonviolent people who use drugs is a large contributor to the crisis. By allowing for drug safety testing to become common and by allowing for a safe supply, overdose and poisonings can become rare. A safe supply at home will decimate the profits of transnational criminal organizations and help to reduce violence both at home and abroad.

Former Iowa Governor and Senator, Harold Hughes, was one of the true pioneers in the field of alcohol and other drug abuse. We can learn a lot from the example that he left to history. 

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